Explaining emotion is a difficult thing to do, I've noticed when I'm in a conversation and I end up trying to explain my feeling towards something, I usually end up saying, "it's like, ahhhh!" or, "it's like ughhhh", or "it's like oh my gaaaash" and such... I'm pretty horrible at that...I feel bad for the people who hear me talk about what's happening in my life, one being my discipler (whose birthday happens to be today. Happy birthday Mariel!) and other sisters that I share things with. However, I love the very common, "I know how you feel", makes me feel a little less weird, and more average.
Currently, I have a plethora of emotions in my mind for various things going on and it is causing my mind to be all over the place. I have feelings of guilt, discourage, hunger, disappointment, cautious, motivation, and joy all over the place. I probably have more, I just can't explain it in words hahaha.I'm glad to know that all these feelings are based off my understanding of Scripture. ie: I am able to feel guilty because I am aware that I committed sin and have disobeyed God or I am able to feel joyful since my sins have been forgiven by the shed blood of Christ and joy because of my love for the Church! Also loving the Church in a way that causes you to have these feelings towards other brothers and sisters in-Christ makes you want to know more Scripture for the purpose of edification and building up the Church. In the end I just want to give God the glory for sanctifying me and continually molding me onto the image of His Son and for the renewing of my mind, thus my emotions derived from Scripture.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Lab Partners
Names: Melody and Angelica
Alias: Dynamic Duo
Relation: Lab Partners
Occupation: Undergraduate research assistants
Group Affiliations: Slowinska Research Lab
Specialties: Producing pretty colored posters. Oh and I guess Organic synthesis'... for now.
Soon to be added to the long list of famous duos, including pairs like Louis and Clark, Batman and Robin, Mario and Luigi, Cory and Shawn, Walt and Jesse.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Late night blogging #7
It's so weird, how at around 11 I feel like it's super late already. I sleep early this semester and I have late morning classes... but I don't take naps anymore. Well, I do sometimes but not every day like I would the past semesters. I would normally sleep around 1AM and have class at 8, then nap away once I get home. Bleh. who cares about my sleeping pattern.
So I found a new study spot today, I'm pretty sure I'll be going there often now, since I'm tired of paying to study, or going all the way on campus to study, or smelling like coffee from studying. Taking advantage of the city's public libraries. A huge amount of hours today was spent on studying for my pchem exam on Friday, man I'm so scared for this exam. I never do good on chem exams, well no one does, but I'm planning on changing that for pchem. Praise the Lord I was able to finish chapter 2 today, one more chapter to go! Mr.James Prescott Joule and Mr. William Thomson thanks for all your discoveries that prolonged my review on chapter 2 til 1 AM.
This blog is sooo pointless, from now on if you see a late night blog, I would advise you to just skip over it, unless you for some reason would want an insight into my mind at this time of the day.
1. I miss lab work, paitently waiting for our materials to come.
2. Gotta get this coupling done, so we can make crystals!
3. "The Holy Spirit is our only sufficiency for the work of mortification. All ways and means apart from Him have no true effect. He is the only power behind it, and He works in us as He pleases." -John Owen. This, today, amen.
4. I should be sleeping now, my eyes are starting to feel it.
5. I seriously thought about deleting this post before I started this list, but that would mean I stayed up writing it for nothing.
So I found a new study spot today, I'm pretty sure I'll be going there often now, since I'm tired of paying to study, or going all the way on campus to study, or smelling like coffee from studying. Taking advantage of the city's public libraries. A huge amount of hours today was spent on studying for my pchem exam on Friday, man I'm so scared for this exam. I never do good on chem exams, well no one does, but I'm planning on changing that for pchem. Praise the Lord I was able to finish chapter 2 today, one more chapter to go! Mr.James Prescott Joule and Mr. William Thomson thanks for all your discoveries that prolonged my review on chapter 2 til 1 AM.
This blog is sooo pointless, from now on if you see a late night blog, I would advise you to just skip over it, unless you for some reason would want an insight into my mind at this time of the day.
1. I miss lab work, paitently waiting for our materials to come.
2. Gotta get this coupling done, so we can make crystals!
3. "The Holy Spirit is our only sufficiency for the work of mortification. All ways and means apart from Him have no true effect. He is the only power behind it, and He works in us as He pleases." -John Owen. This, today, amen.
4. I should be sleeping now, my eyes are starting to feel it.
5. I seriously thought about deleting this post before I started this list, but that would mean I stayed up writing it for nothing.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Week 3
This week has been sanctifying, that's pretty much all I can say haha. I know, and it's only week 3! Deadlines left and right! However the Lord has been gracious to me, He's blessed me with a wonderful lab partner who can adjust the work that we need to do around my deadlines and such. I've been behind on my readings for my classes because I got my textbooks late.. and also my no class Tuesdays and Thursdays are my study days but these past 2 weeks, I had to meet with my lab partner to work on this poster that we have to make, and were only given a 2 weeks head notice about it. So we've been working on that, and it's not for a class. Gladly, we pretty much finished today and printing day is Thursday so we even finished early! Yeah anyways, I have to plan a new study schedule since my study/lab/rec center Fridays can't go into full affect due to certain circumstances; however I understand there is a need somewhere else. I've also been given the opportunity to serve the church in plenty of different ways and it's been wonderful. Plenty of sacrifices going around, and also exercising that selflessness for a lot of us; and I know it's all not possible by ourselves because of our selfish sinful flesh, but because of the Holy Spirit who works in us. That αγαπη love going around, with God who showed us how.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Self reminder
"We must hate sin, and not just that which troubles us. Love for Christ, because He went to the cross, and hate for sin because that sent Him there, is the solid foundation for true spiritual mortification. To seek mortification only because a sin troubles us proceeds from self-love. "- John Owen, The Mortification of Sin
Had to reopen a book I finished to remind myself the seriousness of sin. A little visit to the book of Romans seems like something to do as well.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Happy August!
Referring to my last post, it totally was the 3rd scenario... haha. with a twist.
The radiance of the Father
Before the dawn of time
You spoke and all creation came to be
The molecules and planets
Reveal Your great design
And every one was made so we could see
So we could see
You are the glorious Christ
The greatest of all delights
Your power is unequaled
Your love beyond all heights
No greater sacrifice
Than when You laid down Your life
We join the song of angels
Who praise You day and night
Glorious Christ
Before the dawn of time
You spoke and all creation came to be
The molecules and planets
Reveal Your great design
And every one was made so we could see
So we could see
You are the glorious Christ
The greatest of all delights
Your power is unequaled
Your love beyond all heights
No greater sacrifice
Than when You laid down Your life
We join the song of angels
Who praise You day and night
Glorious Christ
PS. Olympics, olympics, olympics!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Beef Skillet.
Wow, so much has happened lately, I would not have an idea where to start; however this isn't one of those update blogs sorry ha. It's one of those, I just have a need to say random things kind of blogs, I guess..
The Lord has truly blessed me with so much free time, especially these past 2 weeks or so. Since I haven't been in the lab that much since July 11, due to my lab partner having been in jury duty and that we finished our second reaction. Since my lab partner and I are 50/50 partners (bonus points for those who get that reference) there's not much I can do without her. I went to the lab this past Monday, and found out that whatever we tested wasn't the product we were expected which either means three things:
Another thing, I've realized is how much work my social skills needs hahaha. Meeting new people, and it's pretty hard to share the Gospel with someone especially if it's already difficult to just have a simple conversation with the person. Oh and with people I know real well, I realized how scared I am to share the Gospel... It gets me every time; I come home from hanging out with unbelievers, and just see how much of a failure I am at evangelizing -__-" Not because people don't accept, that's totally not a fail it's not a believers job to convert a person, it's our job to share the Gospel. and that's where I fail at, I'm too timid to even bring up the issue of God in a conversation. Why would I not want to share with the world about Christ who came on this earth to save sinners, who we all are! (1 Timothy 1:15)
Once again, I don't know where I am going with this; so I'll just end this now... I think the KBBQ from earlier has digested in my stomach or whatever so I can sleep now. Goodnight!
The Lord has truly blessed me with so much free time, especially these past 2 weeks or so. Since I haven't been in the lab that much since July 11, due to my lab partner having been in jury duty and that we finished our second reaction. Since my lab partner and I are 50/50 partners (bonus points for those who get that reference) there's not much I can do without her. I went to the lab this past Monday, and found out that whatever we tested wasn't the product we were expected which either means three things:
- The synthesis did not work out, and that that the coupling did not occur. Basically meaning that there was no reaction, or there was one, but the product wasn't what we wanted.
- The synthesis did work, and that the coupling did occur; but we collected and tested the wrong layer after doing the extraction. Good thing, we saved both layers! Just means we have to separate the product again.
- The synthesis and coupling worked, and I just do not know how to analyze an NMR spectrum haha. I'm pretty sure it isn't this one, because that spectrum showed a simple molecule, and the molecule we're trying to synthesize has a pretty complex structure. Things would just be easier if this was what happened though.
Another thing, I've realized is how much work my social skills needs hahaha. Meeting new people, and it's pretty hard to share the Gospel with someone especially if it's already difficult to just have a simple conversation with the person. Oh and with people I know real well, I realized how scared I am to share the Gospel... It gets me every time; I come home from hanging out with unbelievers, and just see how much of a failure I am at evangelizing -__-" Not because people don't accept, that's totally not a fail it's not a believers job to convert a person, it's our job to share the Gospel. and that's where I fail at, I'm too timid to even bring up the issue of God in a conversation. Why would I not want to share with the world about Christ who came on this earth to save sinners, who we all are! (1 Timothy 1:15)
Once again, I don't know where I am going with this; so I'll just end this now... I think the KBBQ from earlier has digested in my stomach or whatever so I can sleep now. Goodnight!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
After eating breakfast, dresssing up, making my lunch, and practically about to leave the house to go to lab, me and my lab partner get cancelled to come in today haha. So I ended up listening to a sermon that I planned on listening to during my drive to school and walk from where I park. Then feeling encouraged by the sermon I immediately read 4 chapters of the book that I'm going through (with a nap in between). And started to iron clothes and watch Breaking Bad. I'm going really slow with this show for some unknown reason. All these Breaking Bad episodes are making me want to go to the laboratory and work on mine and my lab partner's experiment! Not being in the lab for over a week, I must admit feels odd.
I also happened to come across several things in my mind today. I struggle with so much sin, it's crazy. Just wanted to ask for prayers cause it's needed haha. TRUTH.
The most sinful sinner,
Friday, June 15, 2012
Music, Reading, Washing, Talking, Mercy.
After having this window on for a good five minutes or so, I finally found something to start this off and that was it... Hmmm, due to the fact that I always blog late at night or really early in the morning, every time I write about my day, it's technically "yesterday"... Well "yesterday" I played the piano a lot, played my violin, did some reading, oh and got to wash my car! Since the tree where I normally park my car under is sapping at the moment with the combination of the strong winds we've been having along with the dirt from my front yard, my car looked like it went on an off road drive in the desert or something; and it wasn't that long ago that I washed my car last, I think it was only 3 weeks ago... whatever..
So since I've been playing the piano often lately, my parents (especially my mom) have been getting mad at me because the piano is located in the living room and my parents are ALWAYS watching tv in the living room. And so me and my mom got into a disagreement on the purpose of having a piano. I ended up borrowing my cousin Harvey's keyboard, now I can play in my room so my parents can watch tv in peace, I guess...
After loading the keyboard in my car, I had a good talk with my cousin ahaha. Got to catch up, even though we hung out Wednesday. It's always cool to see how the Lord is working in a brother in-Christ's life. I'm not saying that our conversation was good because Harvey shared things about his friends or whatnot, but it was good because our conversation was very Christ-centered. It is such a blessing to be able to talk to someone about how much we want to share the Gospel with a friend or how much our disciplines have changed! Like a couple of days ago, I got to talk to some of the few ladies at my church and we were able to share struggles and encourage one another, ahh I love it! Praise God for fellowship!
In the midst of my conversation with Harvey, I reminded myself about showing mercy to others (since we were talking about sharing the Gospel with other people). After listening to a sermon by CJ Mahaney two days ago, The Holy Spirit totally convicted me, when I heard Mahaney say, "Those who have received mercy should be quite eager to have mercy on someone who doubts." and I totally need to do a way better job in showing mercy to others. Seeing how sinful I am, and knowing the consequences for my sin, it's crazy knowing where I deserve to be... But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved. (Ephesians 2:4-5) How can I not be able to show mercy to someone else, especially with the mercy God has shown me! Gahhh, cmon Ica! It is super frustrating to deal with my sinful self, but that's how I can find comfort in God, to know that I have a holy and blameless Lord who saved me from the punishment for my sin!
Sorry, no structure whatsoever to this... like that's new. Okay, goodnight!
So since I've been playing the piano often lately, my parents (especially my mom) have been getting mad at me because the piano is located in the living room and my parents are ALWAYS watching tv in the living room. And so me and my mom got into a disagreement on the purpose of having a piano. I ended up borrowing my cousin Harvey's keyboard, now I can play in my room so my parents can watch tv in peace, I guess...
After loading the keyboard in my car, I had a good talk with my cousin ahaha. Got to catch up, even though we hung out Wednesday. It's always cool to see how the Lord is working in a brother in-Christ's life. I'm not saying that our conversation was good because Harvey shared things about his friends or whatnot, but it was good because our conversation was very Christ-centered. It is such a blessing to be able to talk to someone about how much we want to share the Gospel with a friend or how much our disciplines have changed! Like a couple of days ago, I got to talk to some of the few ladies at my church and we were able to share struggles and encourage one another, ahh I love it! Praise God for fellowship!
In the midst of my conversation with Harvey, I reminded myself about showing mercy to others (since we were talking about sharing the Gospel with other people). After listening to a sermon by CJ Mahaney two days ago, The Holy Spirit totally convicted me, when I heard Mahaney say, "Those who have received mercy should be quite eager to have mercy on someone who doubts." and I totally need to do a way better job in showing mercy to others. Seeing how sinful I am, and knowing the consequences for my sin, it's crazy knowing where I deserve to be... But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ--by grace you have been saved. (Ephesians 2:4-5) How can I not be able to show mercy to someone else, especially with the mercy God has shown me! Gahhh, cmon Ica! It is super frustrating to deal with my sinful self, but that's how I can find comfort in God, to know that I have a holy and blameless Lord who saved me from the punishment for my sin!
Sorry, no structure whatsoever to this... like that's new. Okay, goodnight!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
From my sister's graduation., then sunburnt again from today's yard sale. It's a good thing I really LIKE the smell of of sunblock (:I think by the end of this holiday weekend I'm going to have a sunglasses tan on my face especially after Memorial Day at the park this upcoming Monday. I am truly grateful that it's summer and for all the free time I have; I just pray that I may use this time wisely and do things that are pleasing to God.
Also I am truly thankful that I passed all my classes this semester! Wooo praise the Lord! 3 MORE SEMESTERS, 3 MORE SEMESTERS! (Lord willing) Then I can lock myself in a 20° C laboratory and have some real fun with my personal timeline that I made for myself for the decade or so that Mimi knows about... (I know you'll read this eventually) and we all know how accurate those always are... hahaha. Still excited for the future nonetheless!
I'd like to write more, but I can't do everything I wanted to do tonight. I also wanted to do some late night thinking to myself before I fall asleep, but my eye-bags are filled with exhaustion and just want to call it a day/night. Super tired from today, goodnight!
Also I am truly thankful that I passed all my classes this semester! Wooo praise the Lord! 3 MORE SEMESTERS, 3 MORE SEMESTERS! (Lord willing) Then I can lock myself in a 20° C laboratory and have some real fun with my personal timeline that I made for myself for the decade or so that Mimi knows about... (I know you'll read this eventually) and we all know how accurate those always are... hahaha. Still excited for the future nonetheless!
I'd like to write more, but I can't do everything I wanted to do tonight. I also wanted to do some late night thinking to myself before I fall asleep, but my eye-bags are filled with exhaustion and just want to call it a day/night. Super tired from today, goodnight!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Mothers Day!
Even Nanay's physical body made it in this picture... hahaha, anyways... Happy Mothers Day to my momma! Although we don't have the closest relationship in the house, we still have one and I'm grateful for it! One thing I have to work on, is showing her how grateful I am.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Anti-Huntintin VL domain - 3LRG
Currently working on my protein structure report, it's pretty much the only thing I worked on today, (I didn't even read the Bible, convicted much?), well I tidied up my bedroom... Yeah anyways, I pretty much started today, and I wanted to finish by tonight. Although it's due on Monday, me being the person I am I wanted to get it over with so I can work on my journalism paper and have less things to worry about on Sunday night after my baptism! I never really liked working in groups for school assignments, but I'm really grateful that for this report we work with partners; which is the reason why I think I can finish this assignment in one day. However, God has humbled me by not being able to finish tonight hahaha.
There's only one more week of classes left, then it's finals week! Which means, Summer is right around the corner! Ahh quite excited, I am. I just have a few more things to finish up then I can actually start studying for my finals. I'll list them at the end of this.
Had an interesting phone conversation with my dad a few hours ago, haha. So excited for his arrival! I like how the first thing he says after saying hi and how are you, was if I got the item that he sent me, from my cousin who just came back from Philippines a week ago. I think it's funny how I still haven't gotten it, and how I think I would be getting it faster if he just brought it with him here when he arrives. Then the subject of marriage came up and my dad literally said, "I'm gonna bring a shotgun to your marriage." AHAHAHAHAHA, with my dad being a fob I believe that by saying "marriage" he meant wedding. Oh man that was seriously hilarious. Then he started talking about marriages today and I told him that's why they're supposed to be Christ-centered, I mean marriage is suppose to reflect Christ's love for the Church (Ephesians 5), and I can tell you that most marriages today don't. Anyways, then he basically said he knows and just doesn't want us (me, my brother and sister) to end up in a marriage like those. I pray that he really does know and wasn't just saying that. Being unsure about the status of my dad's salvation I just want to be a good witness and share Scripture with him to have him be able to grow a relationship with God. We continued our conversation and awkward questions came up ahahaha, but I was surprised with how much Scripture came out of my mouth, without even having it open, shows how much knowledge the Holy Spirit has allowed me to understand. Even if it isn't God's will that I get married, I have no choice but to submit to His will, and to be content with being blessed to be able to spend even more time studying Scripture. Yeah... and that was my conversation with my dad haha.
Man, why is it so easy to write on a blog, than it is for me to write my protein report... S'all good though. I totally don't know where I am going with this blog, so I'm just gonna end it after doing my list.
Things I need to work on
1. Finish my protein structure report
2. Journalism paper
3. Literature paper
4. Time management
5. Self-control. Be angry and do not sin! Ephesians 4:26
6. Killing my pride.
7. Reading disciplines
8. Starting my experiment for research lab
9. Wash my car...
10. Sleeping earlier.
There's only one more week of classes left, then it's finals week! Which means, Summer is right around the corner! Ahh quite excited, I am. I just have a few more things to finish up then I can actually start studying for my finals. I'll list them at the end of this.
Had an interesting phone conversation with my dad a few hours ago, haha. So excited for his arrival! I like how the first thing he says after saying hi and how are you, was if I got the item that he sent me, from my cousin who just came back from Philippines a week ago. I think it's funny how I still haven't gotten it, and how I think I would be getting it faster if he just brought it with him here when he arrives. Then the subject of marriage came up and my dad literally said, "I'm gonna bring a shotgun to your marriage." AHAHAHAHAHA, with my dad being a fob I believe that by saying "marriage" he meant wedding. Oh man that was seriously hilarious. Then he started talking about marriages today and I told him that's why they're supposed to be Christ-centered, I mean marriage is suppose to reflect Christ's love for the Church (Ephesians 5), and I can tell you that most marriages today don't. Anyways, then he basically said he knows and just doesn't want us (me, my brother and sister) to end up in a marriage like those. I pray that he really does know and wasn't just saying that. Being unsure about the status of my dad's salvation I just want to be a good witness and share Scripture with him to have him be able to grow a relationship with God. We continued our conversation and awkward questions came up ahahaha, but I was surprised with how much Scripture came out of my mouth, without even having it open, shows how much knowledge the Holy Spirit has allowed me to understand. Even if it isn't God's will that I get married, I have no choice but to submit to His will, and to be content with being blessed to be able to spend even more time studying Scripture. Yeah... and that was my conversation with my dad haha.
Man, why is it so easy to write on a blog, than it is for me to write my protein report... S'all good though. I totally don't know where I am going with this blog, so I'm just gonna end it after doing my list.
Things I need to work on
1. Finish my protein structure report
2. Journalism paper
3. Literature paper
4. Time management
5. Self-control. Be angry and do not sin! Ephesians 4:26
6. Killing my pride.
7. Reading disciplines
8. Starting my experiment for research lab
9. Wash my car...
10. Sleeping earlier.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
3 weeks til 3 months of break, then 3 semesters left.
After coming home and eating a late lunch, more like mirenda I ended up knocking out, from like 3PM-7PM. Way to go on managing time Ica.... Haha, well I must admit it felt good. I wanted to get close to finshing up this lab report, because I want to turn it in early, and so I can be able to focus on the 3 papers that are due next week. What kind of science majors writes this much? Hahah, well two of them are for capstone classes, and the other one is a protein report for Biochem, so I guess it's not that bad. I'm rambling because I can't sleep due to that wonderful "nap" I took earlier. I have class at 8 AM tomorrow, and then I'm done for the day. It's been hard to attend this class lately, because it's been my only class on Tuesdays and nothing happens in class; no attendance, no quizzes, no gaining anything from lecture either and I've been waking up late hah. I constantly question if waking up and driving to school is worth going to class. But I know, I shouldn't be ditching class. I plan on studying outside tomorrow after class, probably the Starbucks I usually go to or maybe a different one hmmm not sure at the moment, so I can write write write. It's hard for me to write when I'm in my room, because it's so easy to be distracted. Doing bookwork in my room is fine, but when I have to do work on my laptop it's pretty hard. I think I work better when I'm not home is because when I'm in a public place, I don't the people around me to see that I'm just online and not doing any work, so I'm motivated to not be on Facebook and act productive.
Just like last semester, I missed my last Two class Tuesday, again. Because I didn't really feel like going to that physics lecture, and ended up coming on campus 3 hours later for lab ha. Now that we're done with physics lab, I don't have a Two Class Tuesday's for the remaining 2 weeks of the semester! After a year of Two Class Tuesdays,, it came to an end last week (well technically, it was April 10, since I didn't go to class the Tuesday before last Tuessday...) Since next semester, I won't be having any classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
This semester is almost overrr, 2 more weeks til finals then it's Summer! Praise God, that this semester wasn't that stressful, if you compare me to last semester, even from my blogs, I talked about school a lot more specifically Ochem, but through His grace I got through that, and also am getting through this semester. 3 more semesters... I know that is still a lot, but compared to the 6 semesters that I've had, it's good to know that I'm more than half way.
Sorry this blog is pretty much about school, something I talk about a lot. Forgive me reader for my non sense rambles. I wanted to blog about something else, but that can wait til another time. Goodnight!
Just like last semester, I missed my last Two class Tuesday, again. Because I didn't really feel like going to that physics lecture, and ended up coming on campus 3 hours later for lab ha. Now that we're done with physics lab, I don't have a Two Class Tuesday's for the remaining 2 weeks of the semester! After a year of Two Class Tuesdays,, it came to an end last week (well technically, it was April 10, since I didn't go to class the Tuesday before last Tuessday...) Since next semester, I won't be having any classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
This semester is almost overrr, 2 more weeks til finals then it's Summer! Praise God, that this semester wasn't that stressful, if you compare me to last semester, even from my blogs, I talked about school a lot more specifically Ochem, but through His grace I got through that, and also am getting through this semester. 3 more semesters... I know that is still a lot, but compared to the 6 semesters that I've had, it's good to know that I'm more than half way.
Sorry this blog is pretty much about school, something I talk about a lot. Forgive me reader for my non sense rambles. I wanted to blog about something else, but that can wait til another time. Goodnight!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Late night blogging #6
It's that part of the semester, where you're at you're laziest. Well I think it's towards the end of that part, but I'm still feeling lazy... and there's so much to do! Lord, please give me the energy and endurance to finish off this semester in a way where You are best glorified, may I be able to shine Your light in the work that I do in school.
1. Just finished my last physics lab report of the semester. HOLLA!
2. I have to get serious about studying for this Biochem exam on Wednesday...
3. I need to put away my clean clothes!
4. Must start memorizing Bible verses again, "Bible geography" isn't gonna cut it, not everyone has the same Bible as me. (Although I must admit, there are quite a few whose pages are in sync with mines)
5. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. - Matthew 5:16
6. Totally had to open my Bible for that ^.
7. Belarus research
8. I'm excited, I'm finally going back to research lab this week. I haven't worked on an experiment in there since February?... So sad haha.
9. When is the weather going be Southern California weather again?
10. After last week's Wednesday night and Friday night bible study, I want to read 1 and 2 Kings now (:
11. Fall Registration on Friday!
12. I totally should sleep soon.
13. 4 weeks!
1. Just finished my last physics lab report of the semester. HOLLA!
2. I have to get serious about studying for this Biochem exam on Wednesday...
3. I need to put away my clean clothes!
4. Must start memorizing Bible verses again, "Bible geography" isn't gonna cut it, not everyone has the same Bible as me. (Although I must admit, there are quite a few whose pages are in sync with mines)
5. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. - Matthew 5:16
6. Totally had to open my Bible for that ^.
7. Belarus research
8. I'm excited, I'm finally going back to research lab this week. I haven't worked on an experiment in there since February?... So sad haha.
9. When is the weather going be Southern California weather again?
10. After last week's Wednesday night and Friday night bible study, I want to read 1 and 2 Kings now (:
11. Fall Registration on Friday!
12. I totally should sleep soon.
13. 4 weeks!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
A Saturday night/Early Sunday blog
Good times.
I'm only posting this because I'm totally wearing that shirt right now, and me and my brother were watching Beauty and the Beast earlier haha.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Late night blogging #5
It's 4:31AM and I'm still awake... I have class in 3.5 hours. Something is up with my sleeping pattern, It's getting worst haha. Ahh maybe I shouldn't be on here...

Random thought: Today would have been my Grandma's 95th birthday.
So I'm totally feeling convicted to pray at the moment, so here's a random blog.

Random thought: Today would have been my Grandma's 95th birthday.
So I'm totally feeling convicted to pray at the moment, so here's a random blog.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Imperial March
Because it's the month of March!
I totally wanted to post this the day I posted the Indiana Jones video but then I realized it would be cool if I did it in March, cause you know the song is called the Imperial March... Okay well logic works in my mind haha. Yeah another John William's piece, he's probably my favorite composer and conductor.
This Spring Break has been a pretty busy one, and it's not over yet! I don't want it to end! Although the sooner we go back to school, the sooner we get to summer vacation! Maybe I'm getting too ahead of myself...
Sunday, February 26, 2012
L - Ascorbate
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Planner Substitute
Since I misplaced my planner somewhere that's not in my room (most likely in my inorganic lab classroom) I have no planner... And I feel so unorganized without it. And I have quite a lot of things that are due soon, so I feel like listing them here, I guess...
The madness begins
1. Inorganic lab report due Thursday.
2. Inorganic prelab due Thursday.
3. Physics lab report due Friday.
4. Literature and Medicine presentation on Monday.
5. Biochem exam on Monday.
6. Literature and Medicine online discussion assignment due next Monday and Wednesday.
7. Biochem Jmol assignment due next Wednesday.
8. Physics exam next Thursday.
I feel a lot better seeing some of the things I need to do for the next two week, but overwhelmed at the same time. I hope my planner is somewhere on top of those counters in lab... Hah. Yeah, can you pray for me for these next few weeks? I really wouldn't want to make an idol of school and spend all my time doing school work and forgetting the true motivation in trying my best. A person can't glorify God if they're neglecting personal time with Him to make time for their own personal wants (ie: good grades).
Sorry for a random blog, this is one of those blogs where I'm already laying in bed while blogging.
The madness begins
1. Inorganic lab report due Thursday.
2. Inorganic prelab due Thursday.
3. Physics lab report due Friday.
4. Literature and Medicine presentation on Monday.
5. Biochem exam on Monday.
6. Literature and Medicine online discussion assignment due next Monday and Wednesday.
7. Biochem Jmol assignment due next Wednesday.
8. Physics exam next Thursday.
I feel a lot better seeing some of the things I need to do for the next two week, but overwhelmed at the same time. I hope my planner is somewhere on top of those counters in lab... Hah. Yeah, can you pray for me for these next few weeks? I really wouldn't want to make an idol of school and spend all my time doing school work and forgetting the true motivation in trying my best. A person can't glorify God if they're neglecting personal time with Him to make time for their own personal wants (ie: good grades).
Sorry for a random blog, this is one of those blogs where I'm already laying in bed while blogging.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Raiders March
Yes, another John Williams video (:
Not much to say today. I've been pretty sleepy since 9ish but I'm still awake because I wanted to finish my quick discussion answer for a class, and I keep pulling my split ends... In my previous post I blogged about being excited for being busy, and man have I been busy. I am so thankful for all the different opportunities that the Lord has given me to glorify Him in!
The past couple of weeks.
1. Lack of sleep, way more than usual.
2. Roller coaster California weather.
3. Research lab, quite happy that the DARPA project is done with. I can start going home straight after class again.
4. The Temptations radio station on Pandora, good stuff.
5. Jeopardy!
6. Scramble.
7. Catching up with people.
8. Hand lotion
9. On campus on Fridays....*note: I have no Friday classes.
10. Bad eyesight.
I have no idea why I got tired at 9, and no idea why I'm still awake. I didn't get to do everything that I wanted to get done, but 2/4 isn't bad. Gute Nacht!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Second day, second month, second semester.
I'm warning you guys now, the probability of this post being all over the place is really high. In other words I don't think this post will have some kind of structure haha.
D'awww, thanks Pops! Love you too, see you in May!
So my dad went to the Philippines today, nothing out of the normal for us. Found out he was leaving for the Philippines on Sunday! Haha sure it was a surprise to find out he's leaving 5 days before he actually leaves, but the thing is, it's not a surprise that it's a surprise. One time we found out he was coming home when he called us and was at his stopover! That's my dad for ya. Not even gonna lie though, when I came home and saw his note on my desk, I got all giggly (not sure if I used the correct term for this one, but I'm not good at explaining how I feel hahaha). Anyways, when I saw it the first thing I said was "Aw, my dad's sweet." So odd, but yeah if you know my family we're not really an affectionate family haah. I mean we love each other, but we don't really express it vocally.. or at all haha. However, I like this one, good job Pops!
Oh, so I have a confession to make... I'm excited... for a number of things actually. A couple of them are school-related. Whaaaaa? Me excited about something dealing with school?!! I know right? Hah. The Lord has allowed me to see that through His providence He has blessed me with a college education. Yes this college education that I'm always complaining about, complaining as if I deserve more than what's been freely given to me, so selfish Ica. Anyways I'm excited for this semester, even though it has already started; I'm liking my classes especially my Chemistry classes. Not so much with my capstone classes, I actually have to write an essay this semester... I haven't written one since like... Freshman year haha, s'all good in the hood though! I'm also am excited for doing undergraduate research! Wooo, tomorrow should be the official first day. Going to school on a Friday and having no class on Fridays, you would think someone would be bitter about it, haha but noooope! I was suppose to sleep at 11.. but I've been saying that this whole week... hasn't happened..
Another thing I am excited about is discipleship! God has answered one of my prayers by blessing me with a discipler! Ahhh, the opportunity to deepen my knowledge for the Lord through a godly woman at such a personal level! Why shouldn't I be excited? Oh and LABTS for the semester started today and starting to serve in ministries at church, ahhh so many things going on, so excited!
With all these things going on, I pray and ask that you also can pray that I can be disciplined in my time management. That I not allow any of these things to take away my personal time with His Word and my time in prayer to Him.

So my dad went to the Philippines today, nothing out of the normal for us. Found out he was leaving for the Philippines on Sunday! Haha sure it was a surprise to find out he's leaving 5 days before he actually leaves, but the thing is, it's not a surprise that it's a surprise. One time we found out he was coming home when he called us and was at his stopover! That's my dad for ya. Not even gonna lie though, when I came home and saw his note on my desk, I got all giggly (not sure if I used the correct term for this one, but I'm not good at explaining how I feel hahaha). Anyways, when I saw it the first thing I said was "Aw, my dad's sweet." So odd, but yeah if you know my family we're not really an affectionate family haah. I mean we love each other, but we don't really express it vocally.. or at all haha. However, I like this one, good job Pops!
Oh, so I have a confession to make... I'm excited... for a number of things actually. A couple of them are school-related. Whaaaaa? Me excited about something dealing with school?!! I know right? Hah. The Lord has allowed me to see that through His providence He has blessed me with a college education. Yes this college education that I'm always complaining about, complaining as if I deserve more than what's been freely given to me, so selfish Ica. Anyways I'm excited for this semester, even though it has already started; I'm liking my classes especially my Chemistry classes. Not so much with my capstone classes, I actually have to write an essay this semester... I haven't written one since like... Freshman year haha, s'all good in the hood though! I'm also am excited for doing undergraduate research! Wooo, tomorrow should be the official first day. Going to school on a Friday and having no class on Fridays, you would think someone would be bitter about it, haha but noooope! I was suppose to sleep at 11.. but I've been saying that this whole week... hasn't happened..
Another thing I am excited about is discipleship! God has answered one of my prayers by blessing me with a discipler! Ahhh, the opportunity to deepen my knowledge for the Lord through a godly woman at such a personal level! Why shouldn't I be excited? Oh and LABTS for the semester started today and starting to serve in ministries at church, ahhh so many things going on, so excited!
With all these things going on, I pray and ask that you also can pray that I can be disciplined in my time management. That I not allow any of these things to take away my personal time with His Word and my time in prayer to Him.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Migraine Monday
I was doing my reading for physics like an hour or so ago. I read it, and I get it, then I keep reading and I'm so confused... Yeah, so if you know anything about electric fields, let's talk hahah. But I think I understand it as of now... thanks to YouTube or this guy specifically. So I don't want to continue reading because I think that if I do, I'll just end up being lost.
So in class today, I printed the slides notes for lecture today, but I decided to not print the 2nd section, because I assumed we wouldn't get that far today and if we did it doesn't really matter because I didn't print out the slides for the first lecture day. Turns out we did get to it, so I got ready to take notes on normal sheet paper. Then the girl sitting next to me looked and saw that I didn't have it, and said, "Do you want the slides? I printed two." and already handed the slides to me before I could even say yes. How nice. Haha, okay that was that.
Last Monday of the first month of the year!
1. Really enjoying my Biological Chemistry class, not even gonna lie.
2. Histidine, is the hardest basic amino acid structure for me to memorize.
3. Thanks to the girl who sat next to me provided me with the printed slides.
4. Half the class is spent watching videos in Journalism class.
5. Had a really bad migraine today. It was difficult to play attention to my last class.
6. Thanks to Aileen for letting me borrow her Physics book for this semester!
7. Having the same class with a cousin is pretty cool. I feel like this is common for me haha.
8. Me and Bobbie have gift cards to the same places haha. Considering the fact that they're from the same people haha. Cousin bonding.
9. Praise the Lord for answered prayers!
10. Excited for the next few months, or I guess I can say the future haha. Awkward.
11. Sore from yesterday's squats, lunges, and whatever else we did haha.
Two class Tuesday tomorrow! I wish they were back to back classes but I'm not complaining (: The Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to go to college, why would I not try my best in what He has given me? Soli Deo gloria!
So in class today, I printed the slides notes for lecture today, but I decided to not print the 2nd section, because I assumed we wouldn't get that far today and if we did it doesn't really matter because I didn't print out the slides for the first lecture day. Turns out we did get to it, so I got ready to take notes on normal sheet paper. Then the girl sitting next to me looked and saw that I didn't have it, and said, "Do you want the slides? I printed two." and already handed the slides to me before I could even say yes. How nice. Haha, okay that was that.
Last Monday of the first month of the year!
1. Really enjoying my Biological Chemistry class, not even gonna lie.
2. Histidine, is the hardest basic amino acid structure for me to memorize.
3. Thanks to the girl who sat next to me provided me with the printed slides.
4. Half the class is spent watching videos in Journalism class.
5. Had a really bad migraine today. It was difficult to play attention to my last class.
6. Thanks to Aileen for letting me borrow her Physics book for this semester!
7. Having the same class with a cousin is pretty cool. I feel like this is common for me haha.
8. Me and Bobbie have gift cards to the same places haha. Considering the fact that they're from the same people haha. Cousin bonding.
9. Praise the Lord for answered prayers!
10. Excited for the next few months, or I guess I can say the future haha. Awkward.
11. Sore from yesterday's squats, lunges, and whatever else we did haha.
Two class Tuesday tomorrow! I wish they were back to back classes but I'm not complaining (: The Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to go to college, why would I not try my best in what He has given me? Soli Deo gloria!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Breaking traditions!
The first day of this Spring 2012 semester was pretty chill, well I think all first day of classes are usually chill...however it was quite chilly today, since it was raining and a bit windy. I thinking starting at 9:30 AM is the perfect time for class, I'm not exactly sure why, perhaps it could be due to the fact that I'm used to taking 8 AM classes and 9:30 AM isn't too late, I don't know whatever. One reasons why 8 AM classes are better than 9:30 AM starts is the parking hahaha but it's not that bad and hey it was only the first day. 3 classes back to back on MW, but each class is 75 minutes long, so it's not that bad. I don't know if my TuTh schedule would be better or what. Oh yeah, since I changed my schedule last minute yesterday night, I have 2 class Tuesdays again! And also 2 class Thursdays.. but I start at 8 AM hah, and on Tuesdays my other class is my physics lab. Then Thursdays, instead of my physics lab, I have my inorganic chemistry lab class, which goes from 12-5pm! Eeeek! What was I thinking trying to take advance ochem this semester that would go from 930-5.... CRAZY. Good thing, I'm not in it this semester! Sorry honestly I don't know why I'm writing this blog right now, I think it's cause I wanted to warm up my hands haha...
Oh, I know what I wanted to say...
I DIDN'T HAVE A HEADACHE OR MIGRAINE TODAY! Wooo! If you didn't know, I have a history with getting a headache on the first day of a semester... but praise the Lord for breaking traditions! Haha, I must admit I'm a bit sore though, from yesterday's work out... haha. Oh and I think I'm getting sick... again.. haha a mild runny nose and constant sneezing... oh immune system I wish you were a little stronger.
So in my 3 classes today, reading was surely emphasized, I don't think I've had to read this much in all my semesters in college... And I haven't even had every class yet! I guess it means I'm a step closer to graduating (Lord willing). I said, this year I wanted to become disciplined in my readings and I guess this is a way of disciplining me, even though I wasn't talking about reading for school... haha s'all good though! To be honest, I'm quite excited for this semester... well I'm excited for it to end... haha TRUTH. Some hot tea or hot chocolate sounds good right now, with this weather and all, mmmmm. Yeah, I'm just rambling weird stuff... sorry for a random blog.
Oh and my socks got drenched today.
Oh, I know what I wanted to say...
I DIDN'T HAVE A HEADACHE OR MIGRAINE TODAY! Wooo! If you didn't know, I have a history with getting a headache on the first day of a semester... but praise the Lord for breaking traditions! Haha, I must admit I'm a bit sore though, from yesterday's work out... haha. Oh and I think I'm getting sick... again.. haha a mild runny nose and constant sneezing... oh immune system I wish you were a little stronger.
So in my 3 classes today, reading was surely emphasized, I don't think I've had to read this much in all my semesters in college... And I haven't even had every class yet! I guess it means I'm a step closer to graduating (Lord willing). I said, this year I wanted to become disciplined in my readings and I guess this is a way of disciplining me, even though I wasn't talking about reading for school... haha s'all good though! To be honest, I'm quite excited for this semester... well I'm excited for it to end... haha TRUTH. Some hot tea or hot chocolate sounds good right now, with this weather and all, mmmmm. Yeah, I'm just rambling weird stuff... sorry for a random blog.
Oh and my socks got drenched today.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Taking the credit.
Growing up as a kid, I was very into the anime Dragon Ball Z. I would pretend that I was a Z Fighter and fight evil people to save the earth with my brother, sister, cousins, or whoever. We imagined that we could fly, shoot kamehameha waves, use instant transmission, and all that good stuff. As much as I loved the anime there was one character in Dragon Ball Z that totally would just annoy me like crazy. That character was Hercule Satan, aka Mr. Satan... the reason why I didn't like him wasn't because his last name was Satan though haha . But every time there was a Hercule scene, I remember getting irritated by him haha. Especially during the Cell Games, I remember him boasting in himself and hyping himself up, but when it actually came down to fighting he didn't do anything but hide behind a rock and such. Then once Gohan finally defeated Cell, Hercule took the credit for the defeat of Cell. Messed up, right?
Whenever any of us think we do anything worthy of God's forgiveness and justification from God, we, in a sense become a Hercule ourselves. The idea of thinking that our own works are able to save us from God's wrath is the idea of legalism. When a person believes that by going to church every Sunday, to bible study every Friday, serving in a church, and prays every night, will get them to Heaven after they die is totally incorrect. That kind of thinking totally throws away the truth about Jesus Christ's work on the cross. C.J. Mahaney says his book Living the Cross Centered Life, "The implications are staggering, because legalism claims in essence that the death of Jesus on the cross was either unnecessary or insufficient."
If our actions and works were able to grant us salvation, then what would be the purpose of the work of Christ on the cross? That's the thing, our actions and works CAN'T save us, why? Because we are all sinners, and due to the fact that we're all sinners we're already condemned to God's wrath. So what makes you think that anything we do, would get us out of it? The only One who could save us would be someone who was perfect and committed no sin. And guess what? This perfect One did indeed save us by dying on the cross for the sins of those whom God predestined.
When we think that we can save ourselves from God's wrath and get ourselves into Heaven, we put ourselves up there with Christ or even higher. What would make you think that you can even compare yourselves to Jesus Christ! who, though He (Jesus Christ) was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name. - Philippians 2:6-9
How can any man be considered equal or even higher than God. We haven't done or will do anything greater than the work of Jesus Christ!
Scripture makes it clear that we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ, not works!
God's plan of salvation by the sacrifice of Christ alone saved us. So He alone deserves the glory. When people think that their own works saves them from eternal damnation they are giving the glory to themselves rather than to God, who in Christ defeated sin, just like Hercule in Dragon Ball Z who took the glory from Gohan who defeated Cell. Man, I don't know about you guys but ich bin nicht eine Hercule!
My prayer for you, my dear reader is that you can come to believe the truth, that God in Christ did something you, nor I, nor anybody else could ever do, He paid the price for our sin. And have faith in His Son Jesus Chirst and repent of your sins!
Whenever any of us think we do anything worthy of God's forgiveness and justification from God, we, in a sense become a Hercule ourselves. The idea of thinking that our own works are able to save us from God's wrath is the idea of legalism. When a person believes that by going to church every Sunday, to bible study every Friday, serving in a church, and prays every night, will get them to Heaven after they die is totally incorrect. That kind of thinking totally throws away the truth about Jesus Christ's work on the cross. C.J. Mahaney says his book Living the Cross Centered Life, "The implications are staggering, because legalism claims in essence that the death of Jesus on the cross was either unnecessary or insufficient."
If our actions and works were able to grant us salvation, then what would be the purpose of the work of Christ on the cross? That's the thing, our actions and works CAN'T save us, why? Because we are all sinners, and due to the fact that we're all sinners we're already condemned to God's wrath. So what makes you think that anything we do, would get us out of it? The only One who could save us would be someone who was perfect and committed no sin. And guess what? This perfect One did indeed save us by dying on the cross for the sins of those whom God predestined.
He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
2 Corinthians 5:21
When we think that we can save ourselves from God's wrath and get ourselves into Heaven, we put ourselves up there with Christ or even higher. What would make you think that you can even compare yourselves to Jesus Christ! who, though He (Jesus Christ) was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name. - Philippians 2:6-9
How can any man be considered equal or even higher than God. We haven't done or will do anything greater than the work of Jesus Christ!
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
Scripture makes it clear that we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ, not works!
God's plan of salvation by the sacrifice of Christ alone saved us. So He alone deserves the glory. When people think that their own works saves them from eternal damnation they are giving the glory to themselves rather than to God, who in Christ defeated sin, just like Hercule in Dragon Ball Z who took the glory from Gohan who defeated Cell. Man, I don't know about you guys but ich bin nicht eine Hercule!
My prayer for you, my dear reader is that you can come to believe the truth, that God in Christ did something you, nor I, nor anybody else could ever do, He paid the price for our sin. And have faith in His Son Jesus Chirst and repent of your sins!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
2011 Recap.
- The Lord has allowed me to understand Him more, however I know that I will never be able to fully understand Him; only what He has revealed for man to understand.
- Got to know more about classmates, friends, cousins and brothers and sisters in Christ.
- Consisted of taking Ochem classes. Spring, Summer, Fall... Praise God that I am done with it! Well this series at least(:
- Took my last class of Math ever!
- Had my God-fearing Grandma be sent home to be with God.
- Had an opportunity to deliver a eulogy. A chance to share with relatives and family-friends about my Grandma's life and her faith in Jesus Christ, such a blessing.
- Small groups, aww I miss them.
- Moved churches, included with the transition and adjusting process.
- Took my first LABTS class.
- Attended Resolved
- A large number of San Diego trips.
- San Francisco trip.
- German class! Ich lerne Deutsch nicht viel aber ich mag Deutsch sprechen.
- Had to put my dog Trunks to sleep.
- Random Dragon Ball Z and Star Wars sessions.
- Monopoly.
Due to the fact that I didn't get much sleep today, it was rather difficult to think about what happened this past year haha sorry. Praise God nonetheless, for His providence! Looking back at this past year alone He has blessed me with so many things. I pray that I can be able to learn more about Him through His Word in order to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Because God deserves the glory! All of it. Soli Deo gloria!






- The Lord has allowed me to understand Him more, however I know that I will never be able to fully understand Him; only what He has revealed for man to understand.
- Got to know more about classmates, friends, cousins and brothers and sisters in Christ.
- Consisted of taking Ochem classes. Spring, Summer, Fall... Praise God that I am done with it! Well this series at least(:
- Took my last class of Math ever!
- Had my God-fearing Grandma be sent home to be with God.
- Had an opportunity to deliver a eulogy. A chance to share with relatives and family-friends about my Grandma's life and her faith in Jesus Christ, such a blessing.
- Small groups, aww I miss them.
- Moved churches, included with the transition and adjusting process.
- Took my first LABTS class.
- Attended Resolved
- A large number of San Diego trips.
- San Francisco trip.
- German class! Ich lerne Deutsch nicht viel aber ich mag Deutsch sprechen.
- Had to put my dog Trunks to sleep.
- Random Dragon Ball Z and Star Wars sessions.
- Monopoly.
Due to the fact that I didn't get much sleep today, it was rather difficult to think about what happened this past year haha sorry. Praise God nonetheless, for His providence! Looking back at this past year alone He has blessed me with so many things. I pray that I can be able to learn more about Him through His Word in order to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Because God deserves the glory! All of it. Soli Deo gloria!


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