So my dad went to the Philippines today, nothing out of the normal for us. Found out he was leaving for the Philippines on Sunday! Haha sure it was a surprise to find out he's leaving 5 days before he actually leaves, but the thing is, it's not a surprise that it's a surprise. One time we found out he was coming home when he called us and was at his stopover! That's my dad for ya. Not even gonna lie though, when I came home and saw his note on my desk, I got all giggly (not sure if I used the correct term for this one, but I'm not good at explaining how I feel hahaha). Anyways, when I saw it the first thing I said was "Aw, my dad's sweet." So odd, but yeah if you know my family we're not really an affectionate family haah. I mean we love each other, but we don't really express it vocally.. or at all haha. However, I like this one, good job Pops!
Oh, so I have a confession to make... I'm excited... for a number of things actually. A couple of them are school-related. Whaaaaa? Me excited about something dealing with school?!! I know right? Hah. The Lord has allowed me to see that through His providence He has blessed me with a college education. Yes this college education that I'm always complaining about, complaining as if I deserve more than what's been freely given to me, so selfish Ica. Anyways I'm excited for this semester, even though it has already started; I'm liking my classes especially my Chemistry classes. Not so much with my capstone classes, I actually have to write an essay this semester... I haven't written one since like... Freshman year haha, s'all good in the hood though! I'm also am excited for doing undergraduate research! Wooo, tomorrow should be the official first day. Going to school on a Friday and having no class on Fridays, you would think someone would be bitter about it, haha but noooope! I was suppose to sleep at 11.. but I've been saying that this whole week... hasn't happened..
Another thing I am excited about is discipleship! God has answered one of my prayers by blessing me with a discipler! Ahhh, the opportunity to deepen my knowledge for the Lord through a godly woman at such a personal level! Why shouldn't I be excited? Oh and LABTS for the semester started today and starting to serve in ministries at church, ahhh so many things going on, so excited!
With all these things going on, I pray and ask that you also can pray that I can be disciplined in my time management. That I not allow any of these things to take away my personal time with His Word and my time in prayer to Him.
hahaha just caught up on every blog you've written since here! your dad is so cute to leave a message like that hehe :) i'm glad you're super excited for everything!