Friday, January 18, 2013

It doesn't take a miracle to see God working in your life.

After admitting that I have become lazy, the Lord has used this past week to discipline me to fight my laziness. He's given me a crazy week with plenty of things to do, and I have definitely been more productive this week than the recent weeks. Hebrews 12 comes to mind.
It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we had earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits, and live? For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness.
- Hebrews 12:7-10.

Friday, January 4, 2013

2012 Recap.

  • Experienced my disciplines been really good and really bad.
  • Learned to increase my trust in God more.
  • Realized how much my dependence on God actually was.
  • Spent more time with my cousins, after not hanging out with them as much the previous years.
  • God humbled me in school.
  • Started discipleship.
  • Last Resolved ever.
  • Grew more interest in cooking.
  • Staying up late, later than usual.
  • Had a good reading spree.
  • Lots of ministry opportunities.
  • Became more content.
  • A biblical look on money.
  • Joined a research lab.
  • Picked up crocheting again.
5:20 PM is an usual time for me to blog, but I've been lagging on posting this recap for a few days. I can't really remember much from this past year, but I do know I went through ups and downs, and I can only give the Lord the credit for allowing me to recover from those certain situations.  I pray that this year I can be less selfish and use my time for God, and not for myself.

 2012 in photos











