Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Self reminder

"We must hate sin, and not just that which troubles us. Love for Christ, because He went to the cross, and hate for sin because that sent Him there, is the solid foundation for true spiritual mortification. To seek mortification only because a sin troubles us proceeds from self-love. "
- John Owen, The Mortification of Sin

Had to reopen a book I finished to remind myself the seriousness of sin.  A little visit to the book of Romans seems like something to do as well.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Happy August!

Referring to my last post, it totally was the 3rd scenario... haha. with a twist.

The radiance of the Father
Before the dawn of time
You spoke and all creation came to be
The molecules and planets
Reveal Your great design

And every one was made so we could see
So we could see

You are the glorious Christ
The greatest of all delights
Your power is unequaled
Your love beyond all heights
No greater sacrifice
Than when You laid down Your life
We join the song of angels
Who praise You day and night
Glorious Christ 


PS. Olympics, olympics, olympics!