Thursday, July 26, 2012

Beef Skillet.

Wow, so much has happened lately, I would not have an idea where to start; however this isn't one of those update blogs sorry ha. It's one of those, I just have a need to say random things kind of blogs, I guess..

The Lord has truly blessed me with so much free time, especially these past 2 weeks or so. Since I haven't been in the lab that much since July 11, due to my lab partner having been in jury duty and that we finished our second reaction. Since my lab partner and I are 50/50 partners (bonus points for those who get that reference) there's not much I can do without her. I went to the lab this past Monday, and found out that whatever we tested wasn't the product we were expected which either means three things:
  1. The synthesis did not work out, and that that the coupling did not occur. Basically meaning that there was no reaction, or there was one, but the product wasn't what we wanted.
  2. The synthesis did work, and that the coupling did occur; but we collected and tested the wrong layer after doing the extraction. Good thing, we saved both layers! Just means we have to separate the product again.
  3. The synthesis and coupling worked, and I just do not know how to analyze an NMR spectrum haha. I'm pretty sure it isn't this one, because that spectrum showed a simple molecule, and the molecule we're trying to synthesize has a pretty complex structure. Things would just be easier if this was what happened though.
Ooops, super off tangent... Anyways, since I haven't been spending much time in the lab, I've been chillin' here and there. Though I've realized this a few weeks ago, I was able to see it more... I was able to see how sinful I am, and it's convicting every single time. Ugh, it's disgusting to think about how selfish I am, and how far away I am from being like Christ. I'm glad that I'm using a good portion of this free time that I've been blessed with to read read read His inspired Word as well as Christ-centered books, to deepen my knowledge of Him through His Word and through books that enhance my understanding of Scripture. I mean reading is good, but what good is it if a person is not doing anything with what they just read? (James 1:22-25) From living it out, to sharing it, aren't easy things to do but I'm so grateful for having brothers and sisters around to help ease out the task. Accountability, praise the Lord for the fellowship of the saints.

Another thing, I've realized is how much work my social skills needs hahaha. Meeting new people, and it's pretty hard to share the Gospel with someone especially if it's already difficult to just have a simple conversation with the person. Oh and with people I know real well, I realized how scared I am to share the Gospel... It gets me every time; I come home from hanging out with unbelievers, and just see how much of a failure I am at evangelizing -__-" Not because people don't accept, that's totally not a fail it's not a believers job to convert a person, it's our job to share the Gospel. and that's where I fail at, I'm too timid to even bring up the issue of God in a conversation. Why would I not want to share with the world about Christ who came on this earth to save sinners, who we all are! (1 Timothy 1:15)

Once again, I don't know where I am going with this; so I'll just end this now... I think the KBBQ from earlier has digested in my stomach or whatever so I can sleep now. Goodnight!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Lab partner moment

After eating breakfast, dresssing up, making my lunch, and practically about to leave the house to go to lab, me and my lab partner get cancelled to come in today haha. So I ended up listening to a sermon that I planned on listening to during my drive to school and walk from where I park. Then feeling encouraged by the sermon I immediately read 4 chapters of the book that I'm going through (with a nap in between). And started to iron clothes and watch Breaking Bad. I'm going really slow with this show for some unknown reason. All these Breaking Bad episodes are making me want to go to the laboratory and work on mine and my lab partner's experiment! Not being in the lab for over a week, I must admit feels odd.

I also happened to come across several things in my mind today. I struggle with so much sin, it's crazy. Just wanted to ask for prayers cause it's needed haha. TRUTH.

The most sinful sinner,