Sunday, May 27, 2012


From my sister's graduation., then sunburnt again from today's yard sale. It's a good thing I really LIKE the smell of of sunblock (:I think by the end of this holiday weekend I'm going to have a sunglasses tan on my face especially after Memorial Day at the park this upcoming Monday. I am truly grateful that it's summer and for all the free time I have; I just pray that I may use this time wisely and do things that are pleasing to God.

Also I am truly thankful that I passed all my classes this semester! Wooo praise the Lord! 3 MORE SEMESTERS, 3 MORE SEMESTERS! (Lord willing) Then I can lock myself in a 20° C laboratory and have some real fun with my personal timeline that I made for myself for the decade or so that Mimi knows about... (I know you'll read this eventually) and we all know how accurate those always are... hahaha. Still excited for the future nonetheless!

I'd like to write more, but I can't do everything I wanted to do tonight. I also wanted to do some late night thinking to myself before I fall asleep, but my eye-bags are filled with exhaustion and just want to call it a day/night. Super tired from today, goodnight!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

Hey, it's the most recent picture of my family, okay? Haha

Even Nanay's physical body made it in this picture... hahaha, anyways... Happy Mothers Day to my momma! Although we don't have the closest relationship in the house, we still have one and I'm grateful for it! One thing I have to work on, is showing her how grateful I am.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Anti-Huntintin VL domain - 3LRG

Currently working on my protein structure report, it's pretty much the only thing I worked on today, (I didn't even read the Bible, convicted much?), well I tidied up my bedroom... Yeah anyways, I pretty much started today, and I wanted to finish by tonight. Although it's due on Monday, me being the person I am I wanted to get it over with so I can work on my journalism paper and have less things to worry about on Sunday night after my baptism! I never really liked working in groups for school assignments, but I'm really grateful that for this report we work with partners; which is the reason why I think I can finish this assignment in one day.  However, God has humbled me by not being able to finish tonight hahaha.

There's only one more week of classes left, then it's finals week! Which means, Summer is right around the corner! Ahh quite excited, I am. I just have a few more things to finish up then I can actually start studying for my finals. I'll list them at the end of this.

Had an interesting phone conversation with my dad a few hours ago, haha. So excited for his arrival! I like how the first thing he says after saying hi and how are you, was if I got the item that he sent me, from my cousin who just came back from Philippines a week ago. I think it's funny how I still haven't gotten it, and how I think I would be getting it faster if he just brought it with him here when he arrives. Then the subject of marriage came up and my dad literally said, "I'm gonna bring a shotgun to your marriage." AHAHAHAHAHA, with my dad being a fob I believe that by saying "marriage" he meant wedding. Oh man that was seriously hilarious. Then he started talking about marriages today and I told him that's why they're supposed to be Christ-centered, I mean marriage is suppose to reflect Christ's love for the Church (Ephesians 5), and I can tell you that most marriages today don't. Anyways, then he basically said he knows and just doesn't want us (me, my brother and sister) to end up in a marriage like those. I pray that he really does know and wasn't just saying that. Being unsure about the status of my dad's salvation I just want to be a good witness and share Scripture with him to have him be able to grow a relationship with God. We continued our conversation and awkward questions came up ahahaha, but I was surprised with how much Scripture came out of my mouth, without even having it open, shows how much knowledge the Holy Spirit has allowed me to understand. Even if it isn't God's will that I get married, I have no choice but to submit to His will, and to be content with being blessed to be able to spend even more time studying Scripture. Yeah... and that was my conversation with my dad haha.

Man, why is it so easy to write on a blog, than it is for me to write my protein report... S'all good though. I totally don't know where I am going with this blog, so I'm just gonna end it after doing my list.

Things I need to work on
1. Finish my protein structure report
2. Journalism paper
3. Literature paper
4. Time management
5. Self-control. Be angry and do not sin! Ephesians 4:26
6. Killing my pride.
7. Reading disciplines
8. Starting my experiment for research lab
9. Wash my car...
10. Sleeping earlier.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

3 weeks til 3 months of break, then 3 semesters left.

After coming home and eating a late lunch, more like mirenda I ended up knocking out, from like 3PM-7PM. Way to go on managing time Ica.... Haha, well I must admit it felt good. I wanted to get close to finshing up this lab report, because I want to turn it in early, and so I can be able to focus on the 3 papers that are due next week. What kind of science majors writes this much? Hahah, well two of them are for capstone classes, and the other one is a protein report for Biochem, so I guess it's not that bad. I'm rambling because I can't sleep due to that wonderful "nap" I took earlier. I have class at 8 AM tomorrow, and then I'm done for the day. It's been hard to attend this class lately, because it's been my only class on Tuesdays and nothing happens in class; no attendance, no quizzes, no gaining anything from lecture either and I've been waking up late hah. I constantly question if waking up and driving to school is worth going to class. But I know, I shouldn't be ditching class. I plan on studying outside tomorrow after class, probably the Starbucks I usually go to or maybe a different one hmmm not sure at the moment, so I can write write write. It's hard for me to write when I'm in my room, because it's so easy to be distracted. Doing bookwork in my room is fine, but when I have to do work on my laptop it's pretty hard. I think I work better when I'm not home is because when I'm in a public place, I don't the people around me to see that I'm just online and not doing any work, so I'm motivated to not be on Facebook and act productive.

Just like last semester, I missed my last Two class Tuesday, again. Because I didn't really feel like going to that physics lecture, and ended up coming on campus 3 hours later for lab ha. Now that we're done with physics lab, I don't have a Two Class Tuesday's for the remaining 2 weeks of the semester! After a year of Two Class Tuesdays,, it came to an end last week (well technically, it was April 10, since I didn't go to class the Tuesday before last Tuessday...) Since next semester, I won't be having any classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

This semester is almost overrr, 2 more weeks til finals then it's Summer! Praise God, that this semester wasn't that stressful, if you compare me to last semester, even from my blogs, I talked about school a lot more specifically Ochem, but through His grace I got through that, and also am getting through this semester. 3 more semesters... I know that is still a lot, but compared to the 6 semesters that I've had, it's good to know that I'm more than half way.

Sorry this blog is pretty much about school, something I talk about a lot. Forgive me reader for my non sense rambles. I wanted to blog about something else, but that can wait til another time. Goodnight!